An image depicting the town of Durango, Colorado

Shoplifting Report

Shoplifting and/or Incident Report

Has your business experienced shoplifting, or any other incident? Please contact Durango Police (970-375-2900) about it and then report the details to BID below.

Report a theft/incident

This system lets you report a shoplifting incident, or other crime related incidents, at your business. Please fill out all the fields below as quickly as possible. BID staff will review the information, and if appropriate, can alert every merchant in our business directory via email of the incident. The goal is to inform other businesses of problem behavior and activity so all are aware.

Business Name:
Business Area:

Reason For Alert:
Time and date incident occurred:
Your name: (required)
Your Phone number: (required)
Your email: (required)
Describe this incident. Include a description of the perpetrators if possible, including the number of people involved, if they were male or female, their clothing, ethnicity, or any distinguishing features.
Image of perp if applicable: