Everything you need to start a business in Durango
BID has helped many businesses get started with helpful information and networking.
Starting a business in the BID
Businesses located in Downtown and the North Main District are the heart of Durango’s economy, and represent 40% to 45% of total sales every month. BID can help anyone interested in locating a business in these two areas.
BID can provide the following information to help you decide where to locate:
- available properties in Downtown and Uptown, as well as average rents per square foot for Downtown properties
- Monthly sales data going back to 2004 by industry
- Mix of existing businesses by block for Downtown
Once your business is open, BID has a wealth of programs designed to help your business thrive:
- Marketing – online business directory, social media, two downtown directories, shop local campaigns
- Communications – E-news, BCC meeting
- Events –BID manages several events that drive traffic to BID businesses. These include San Juan Brewfest, Children’s Halloween, and Singing with Santa.
- Visitor Info and Assistance – BID is a financial supporter of the Durango Welcome Center, which allows your business to promote itself to over 130,000 people that enter every year. BID also manages the Downtown Ambassador Program. Our Ambassadors help people visiting Downtown find what they are looking for, and make them feel welcome.
- Beautification and Cleaning – BID works with the City to place 100 flower barrels in the summer. BID also manages a gum removal machine to rid the sidewalks of gum. An attractive Downtown that is clean leaves a good impression on visitors.
- Advocacy – have a problem or concern? Let us know and we can help.
Other resources
- Durango Chamber of Commerce – a membership organization that provides access to trainings, networking and more for local businesses. BID is a member, you should be too! Visit DurangoBusiness.org to learn more.
- Local First – a membership organization for independently owned businesses. Local First manages Noel Night, the biggest shopping night of the year for Downtown, as well as Shop Local and Eat Local weeks. Learn more at Local-First.org
- Visit Durango – funded by lodger’s tax, Visit Durango promotes Durango outside of the immediate area. It also operates the Durango Welcome Center. Visit them at 802 Main Avenue to see how your business can take advantage of all that Visit Durango can do for you. Durango.org
- La Plata County Economic Development Alliance – a membership organization whose goal is to bring new businesses to Durango, and to help existing businesses thrive. Learn more at YESLPC.com
- Small Business Development Center at Fort Lewis College – need help with your small business idea, or with an existing small business? The Small Business Development Center is here for you with FREE services. SBDCFortLewis.org
- City of Durango
- The Business Development and Redevelopment Coordinator at the City can help you with your business concerns. Contact the Community Development Department to make an appointment by calling 970-375-4850
- Do you need a business license, or have questions about sales tax collections and payment? Contact the City Clerk’s Office at 970-375-5010
- Have a big idea to develop a property? Start by working with the City’s Planning Department. Call 970-375-4850
Contact BID’s Executive Director Tim Walsworth to learn more.