Visiting Durango

NOMAD Receipt Form

Submit your receipts

Entering Your Receipts.

This is where you will enter your receipts. There is no minimum amount for individual receipts but the total from all receipts must be $50 or more to participate. To enter more than four receipts, click the plus symbol next to ADD RECEIPT. Enter exact total into the amount field, including the change. No need to enter the $ sign.

**Important! Please check your photo before you upload it to the form!

  1. Did you circle the total on the receipt?
  2. Did you initial next to the total?
  3. Can you see the business name and the date on the receipt?
  4. Did you verify the business list? Check here, or you can try our handy Search Tool

If you have more than four receipts, click the plus symbol next to ADD RECEIPT. Include ALL receipts on this form. Once you click the submit button, you may not add receipts or change a receipt on your submission.

Total Amount: $0
You must have $50 or more in total receipts to be eligible for a reward.
From a local business
Radio Ad
Digital Ad
Print Ad
Word of mouth
Social Media
*we will use these quotes to promote shopping local and our reward program. Only your first name and city will be identified with your quote. Thanks for sharing this with us.

I have read and agree to all rules for our Rewards Program. I understand that BID Staff have the right to decline any submission that does not follow the program guidelines.
I have initialed all receipts prior to submitting them to this form. (if not please resubmit.)
I am confirming that I personally made these purchases that I have submitted.

After you hit submit, please wait for the confirmation page to pop up. You will also see an email confirming your submission. By hitting submit you agree to have your email added to BID's email list. Rewards members will receive occasional email announcements about promotions, and BID events.