An image depicting the town of Durango, Colorado


North Main Autumn Days - NoMAD

Shop in the North Main District during October and be entered to win one of the first Heart of Durango Dollars Gift Cards!

NoMAD - North Main Autumn Days

The NoMAD promotion has concluded. 20 winners will be drawn on Wednesday November 6 and notified by email or phone. Each will receive a new Heart of Durango Dollars gift card that is accepted at multiple businesses in the North Main District and in Downtown!

THANK YOU for supporting North Main District businesses!



Shop, dine, access services, stay and play in the North Main District during October and be entered to win the first Heart of Durango Dollars Gift Cards! This new gift card will be accepted at 20+ businesses in the North Main District and Downtown, with more businesses added all the time.

To be entered into the NoMAD drawing, spend funds at eligible businesses ( or try our handy Search Tool ) in the North Main District between October 1 and 31. Keep your receipts, take a photo of each one, and upload them through BID’s website by November 1.

The more you spend, the more entries you will get for the drawing. All receipts must be submitted within one entry. There is no minimum amount for an individual receipt, but a maximum of 10 receipts will be accepted to reach any of the spending levels below.


Spend amount               # entries

 $50 to $99.99                  1 entry

$100 to $299.99               2 entries

$300 to $399.99               3 entries

$400 and up                     5 entries


Drawing – 20 people will win the first Heart of Durango Dollars Gift Cards! 13 $25 Heart of Durango Dollars gift cards ; 5 $50 Heart of Durango Dollars gift cards; and 2 $100 Heart of Durango Dollars gift card will be awarded.

Read the instructions below, then at the bottom of this page click the button to submit your receipts.


What is the Heart of Durango Dollars Gift Card? This new gift card BID offers is accepted initially at 20+ businesses in the North Main District and Downtown, with more businesses added regularly. Businesses that currently accept the Heart of Durango Dollars gift card include Durango Doughworks, Durango Joe's North Main Drive Thru, Durango Outdoor Exchange, Happy Pappy's Pizza n Wings, Homeslice Pizza North Main,  Louisa's Electronics, Pet Haus, Roam Durango, Sage Fresh Eats, Ski Barn North Main, WeFill, Zia Cantina, Zia Taqueria, Serious Texas BBQ (North), Adela Flora, Animas Trading Company, Carver Brewing Co., Eolus Bar and Dining, Maria's Bookshop, and Tippy Canoe, and more!


What do I need to do before I submit my receipts?

  1. Verify that the receipt is from an eligible business. ( or try our handy Search Tool )
  2. Make sure the receipt is an itemized receipt.
  3. Circle the date of purchase and the total spent, and write your initials next to the total.
  4. Take a picture of each receipt separately.  Check your photo to make sure all the required information is visible (business name, date of purchase, initials, and total spent) and that the image is clear.


You are now ready to submit your receipts. Remember to upload ALL receipts in one submission. Click the plus sign to add additional receipts. A maximum of 10 receipts will be accepted to reach the spending levels.


Any receipts that are incorrectly submitted will be eliminated from your entry. Please read all the rules carefully.


NOMAD Rules:

  1. One entry per household.  A household is considered anyone living in the same residence. Each entry must have a full name, email, phone, and mailing address. Family members can combine purchases under one entry.
  2. All receipts must be uploaded in one submission. The total of all receipts will determine the number of entries you get into the drawing.
  3. Eligible purchases begin on October 1, 2024 and end on October 31, 2024.
  4. Receipts cannot be shared or submitted with someone outside your household. The uploaded receipts need to be purchased by the person submitting the form. However, a household can combine receipts purchased by members of the household in one entry. An entry for a household should include both names on the entry form (for example, Mary and Sam Smith). When you submit receipts, you are confirming that you are the person who made the purchases. Violating this rule will make you ineligible for entry into the drawing.
  5. Receipts must be submitted through the online form. Receipts cannot be mailed or accepted in any other way.  If you have trouble with the form, please contact one of our team members for assistance. Tanya Clegg or Tim Walsworth 
  6. The following are NOT acceptable receipts: credit card only receipt, handwritten receipts, and invoices.
  7. BEFORE YOU SUBMIT YOUR RECEIPT - Circle the date of purchase and total sales amount and write your initials next to the total. Initials should match the first and last name on your submission. Receipts without initials WILL BE DECLINED! 
  8. Take pictures of each receipt separately. Only one receipt per photo. Do not combine receipts into one photo. Make sure the receipt includes the business name and address, date of purchase, sales amount and your initials.
  9. When submitting receipts through the online form, enter the exact value of the receipt and include the cents. DO NOT INCLUDE THE TIP amount. Once you have submitted your receipts, we are not able to add any additional receipts to your submission.
  10. Ineligible receipts include purchases from grocery stores, gas stations, propane sales, Auto repair or services, convenience stores, drug stores, marijuana, services such as childcare, afterschool childcare programs, health care, donations to a non-profit organization, travel services, real estate transactions, and professional services (CPA, attorney, architect, dentist, insurance, health care), or from any business not listed on the eligible list for this promotion. BID has the right to decline any receipt that does not meet the requirements. 
  11. Must be 18 or over to participate. 
  12. BID has the right to decline any entry that does not comply with the guidelines. BID will contact by email with the reason a submission was declined. 
  13. Please provide a valid email address that you check regularly. This is where BID will send a confirmation that your entry has been received and a separate email that it has been approved. If we have questions or problems with your entry, we will use the provided email to contact you. We are not responsible if you do not receive or read your email. If you do not see a confirmation message from us once you have submitted your entry, check your junk or spam folder.
  14. When you submit receipts, you agree to have your email added to BID's email list. You will receive occasional email announcements about promotions and BID events (3 to 4 emails per year). We will not share your email with anyone else. We will also not spam you with regular messages.


NoMAD Frequently Asked Questions:

Can I submit multiple receipts from different merchants?

Yes. You may submit up to 10 receipts. All receipts must be from a business that is on the eligible business list. ( or try our handy Search Tool )


What is the minimum amount for the receipt to be accepted?

There is no minimum receipt amount, but you can only enter 10 total receipts. The minimum total amount for all your receipts is $50 to earn one entry into the drawing.


How many times can I apply for the drawing?

Only one entry per household. A household is considered anyone living in the same residence.


What type of receipts can be submitted?

Receipt photos should be of an itemized hard copy receipt. Do not submit credit card-only receipts or invoices. BID will only accept a digital receipt, or other type of receipt, if all the following information is provided: business name, address, date of sale, and sale amount. If that information is not provided, the receipt may be deemed ineligible. The following are not eligible receipts: credit card-only receipts, handwritten receipts, and invoices. All receipts must be submitted using the same form. Just click the add receipt button to add the receipt. 


What amount can I submit in the form? Do I include the tax and tip?

The total amount should include the tax. Do NOT include the tip in your amount. A purchase from a restaurant or a service from a business where you add a tip should be just for the amount of the purchase, EXCLUDING the tip.


When will the winners be contacted? What is the prize?

20 winners will be contacted on Wednesday, November 6. The winners will receive a Heart of Durango Dollars gift card accepted at 20+ local businesses in the North Main District and Downtown. The list of businesses that accept the Heart of Durango Dollars gift card will constantly expand as more merchants are added. We will award 13 $25 Heart of Durango Dollars gift cards, 5 $50 Heart of Durango Dollars gift cards, and 2 $100 Heart of Durango Dollars gift cards.


How will I know my submission was received?

After you have submitted your receipt, you will be taken to a page that confirms your submission was received. You will also receive an email that confirms your submission was received. Check your spam and junk folders if you don't see this email in your inbox.


Each submission will be reviewed to ensure that it meets the guidelines. After November 4, you will receive an email stating that your submission was approved and that you are eligible for the drawing. It is important that you provide a valid email address with your submission so you can receive communication from us about it. 


When does the North Main Autumn Days promotion begin and end?

NoMAD will start on Tuesday, October 1, and conclude on Thursday, October 31. All entries must be entered by Friday, November 1. All approved submissions will be contacted on Monday, November 4. 20 winners will be contacted on Wednesday, November 6.