April's Garden has been voted Durango's best florist 13 years in a row! As a full-service florist, we can provide arrangements for events ranging from weddings to funerals, customers can also pick their bouquets by the stem at our flower bar! We also carry a range of Animas Chocolate and, Honeyville products, locally made candles, JellyCat stuffed animals, and so much more! Come by April's Garden to enjoy all that we have to offer. We are located on north main, just a trolly ride away. We look forward to seeing you!
Check out our website
Monday - 8:30-5:00
Tuesday - 8:30-5:00
Wednesday - 8:30-5:00
Thursday - 8:30-5:00
Friday - 8:30-5:00
Saturday - 10:00-2:00
Closed Sundays